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Career Service

Jobs in the European Union


Traineeship in the European Union

European Commission
  • Nationality: small number of places for interns from non-EU countries
  • Language: German, English or French
  • Payment: scholarship
  • Period and application:
    • Summer traineeship: March 1 until July 31, application deadline: August 31.
    • Winter traineeship: October 1 until February 28, application deadline January 31.

For detailed information, please visit the website.

Scientific traineeship at the Joint Research Centre (JRC)
  • Nationality: small number of places for interns from non-EU countries
  • Language:
    • Candidates from Member States: good knowledge of at least two Community languages, of which one should be one of the working languages of the European Commission;
    • Candidates from non-Member States: very good knowledge of at least one of the working languages of the European Commission.
    • Additional language skills might be requested for particular traineeships.
  • Payment: monthly allowance
  • Period and application: Each project for a JRC traineeship will be published on the JRC vacancy page.

For detailed information, please visit the website.

European Parliament
  • Nationality: small number of places for interns from non-EU countries
  • Language: thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the EU and good knowledge of a second
  • Additional points: General and journalistic option
  • Payment: unpaid or Robert Schuman scholarship
  • Period and application: The traineeships start in March or October; the application period is August 15 to October 15 (for starting in March) and March 15 to May 15 (for starting in October).

For detailed information, please visit the website.

Additionally, you can send your letter of application directly to the representatives or fractions. They very often do not advertise their vacancies therefore you should apply on your own initiative.

Council of the European Union
  • Nationality: EU nationals
  • Languages: Thorough knowledge of one of the official languages plus good knowledge in another  language of the European Community. Daily work will be in English or French.
  • Payment: paid
  • Period and application: February 1 to June 30 /September 1 to January 31.
    Application period: June 1 to August 31 of the year preceding the traineeship.

For detailed information, please visit the website.

Court of Justice of the European Union
  • Language: In view of the nature of the working environment, a good knowledge of French is desirable.
  • Additional points: Law degree or political sciences with Law as focus necessary.
  • Payment: paid
  • Period and application:
    • March 1 to July 31; application deadline September 30.
    • October 1 to February 28; application deadline April 30.

For detailed information, please visit the website.

European Economic and Social Committee
  • Nationality: EU-nationality and a limited number for nationals from third-countries
  • Language: good knowledge in one of the official languages of the EU plus sufficient knowledge in another language of the European Community. For applicants from non-member countries, only a good knowledge in one of the community languages is required.
  • Additional points: basic qualifications in one of the working fields of the EESC (achieved via studies or work experience)
  • Payment: scholarship if no other income; support for travel expenses
  • Period and application: five months period twice a year;
    starting on February 16 (spring traineeship; application deadline October 1) or September 16 (autumn traineeship; application deadline: April 1).

For detailed information, please visit the website.