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Prospective Students

Information for prospective students

Please carefully read the information on special requirements for admission and the characteristics of this study programme before you decide to apply.

This programme is open to all students meeting the preconditions for admission but has been especially designed for students from the Middle East. Therefore we expect that most of our students come from this region.

Content of the study programme

The study programme includes:

  • eight master courses: student present and discuss current research topics, covering political, social, economic, legal, historical and cultural aspects of the governance of the EU (module 1) and the integration of European societies (module 2),
  • two oral examinations: covering  master courses from module 1 and 2 respectively,
  • the weekly master forum: a weekly meeting of all studentsof the master's programme to improve methodological skills, to get feedback on draft versions of the team research projects and master theses and to coordinate and evaluate the study programme,
  • a team research project: in the first semester, a team of three to four students conduct a research project, assisted by the weekly master forum,
  • a master thesis: an individual research paper, to be written in the second semester,  with independent research on a European Studies issue, based on academic literature and methodology,
  • excursions: travelling to the European institutions and to key areas of Europe, students experience the daily work and life of European actors and the working routine in European institutions.
Further information